
Path: content/Tips/Terraform/


Contitionally process a set of files

This takes a folder full of SQL files and runs them through the templating engine to insert variables into the file, provided we are in the prod environment. They get written into a bucket (so care needs to be taken with sensitive variables)

locals {
  templatevars = {

    manager_table         = data.aws_ssm_parameter.manager_table.value

resource "aws_s3_object" "templated_sql_objects" {
  for_each = var.ENVIRONMENT == "prod" ? fileset("prodfiles/", "*.sql") : []
  bucket   =
  key      = each.key
  content  = templatefile("prodfiles/${each.key}", local.templatevars)

The template files need to contain ${manager_table} to include the templated variable.

Last updated : 04 December 2024