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Get ESX server parameters

smbiosDump - dumps all the config data, including asset tags if your hardware supports that.

Change ESX network port parameters

esxcfg-nics  [nic]

-s|--speed Set the speed of this NIC to one of 10/100/1000/10000. Requires a NIC parameter. -d|--duplex Set the duplex of this NIC to one of 'full' or 'half'. Requires a NIC parameter. -a|--auto Set speed and duplexity automatically. Requires a NIC parameter. -l|--list Print the list of NICs and their settings. -r|--restore Restore the nics configured speed/duplex settings (INTERNAL ONLY) -h|--help Display this message.

To change the link state of the physical interface to down: esxcli network nic down -n vmnicX

To change the link state of the physical interface to up: esxcli network nic up -n vmnicX

To auto-negotiate the speed of an adapter: esxcli network nic set -n vmnicX -a

List installed NICs with status info: esxcli network nic list

Scan for vmware servers

nmap -sV -p 80,443 -oA vmware-scan cat vmware-scan.gnmap | grep “open” | grep “VMware”

Surpress ssh warning on esxi / vmware

By default, vmware causes a yellow warning triangle on any host that has SSH enabled. This can be hidden by setting the UserVars.SuppressShellWarning flag to '1', in host/configuration/Software/Advanced Settings

Restart services restart will restart the web interface to ESX . It will not restart the running VMs

Accessing Dell iDrac data from ESX

enum_instances OMC_IPMIIPProtocolEndpoint root/cimv2

This reports all the network info for the iDrac .

Converting from KVM

There are a couple of ways to do this. For windows, it's simplest to get the VMare Converter tool and digest the guest from the inside.

Otherwise, use qemu-convert to convert the qcow or raw disk image into a vmdk image:

sudo -i qemu-img convert -O vmdk virtual-machine.img converted-virtual-machine.vmdk

Then copy it to ESX and run a second conversion from the ESX machine:

`vmkfstools -i converted-virtual-machine.vmdk -d thin converted-virtual-machine-out.vmdk

That file can be added as a 'new hard disk' when a new VM is created. Delete the default disk first.

Last updated : 04 December 2024